Taking a Greyhound to the Dog Park


Taking a Greyhound to the park is a great place for them to socialise and to get some exercise especially for dog owners that do not have a yard that is fenced in.

Greyhounds need to walk at least once a day and taking them to the park a few times a week is very beneficial for them.

Greyhounds should not be muzzled at the park if the other dogs are not muzzled.  Introducing a Greyhound to the park should be done slowly and allow them to get to know the other dogs before taking them off their leash and so that both dog and owner can also get to know the etiquette of the dog park.

Make a Friend

On the first trip to the dog park it is a good idea to go with a dog that the Greyhound already knows, possibly the neighbour’s dog.  The dogs should already be familiar with each other and playing together will make it easier when the Greyhound is introduced to other dogs in the park.

Choosing a quiet time in the park is advisable so that they can get used to being in their surroundings. Much like everything from Bitcoin betting to cooking, taking your Greyhound to the park takes time, practice and patience.

Be Alert

Dog owners should always be alert in the park so they should not take anything with them that can be distracting and they should always keep an eye on their dog as things can happen very suddenly with other dogs and owners around.

Unfortunately not all dog owners adhere to the etiquette so it is also important for dog owners to make sure that others also follow the rules.  If things do not go well it may be a good idea to try another park or come back later.

Be Safe and Responsible

Greyhound owners should ensure that their dogs have received all the necessary vaccinations, taking an unvaccinated dog to the park is a recipe for disaster and could infect other dogs in the park.

Owners should also not bring their dog to the park if they are unwell as it may be contagious and bringing a female Greyhound in heat to the park is very irresponsible.

Greyhound owners should not bring their young children with them to the park if they have to supervise them and it is also easy for excitable dogs to knock them over.  Owners need to focus all their attention on their dog.

Taking a Greyhound off their leash is not advisable if they have not yet learnt to respond to voice commands, rather keep them close until they are completely familiar with their new surroundings.

For Greyhound owners who own more than one dog, it is advisable to limit the number of dogs.  Some dog parks will even have a limit.

When at home the Greyhounds will often form a pack and will bring this with them to the park.  This may affect the way that they interact with other dogs and possibly lead to aggressive behaviours.

Greyhounds will feel their owner’s anxiety and owners must be aware of this when letting their dogs socialise.  Meeting new dogs, especially in the beginning can be tricky and owners should take it slowly.

If owners know that their Greyhound is sensitive it is best to pick a quiet time in the park when there are fewer dogs.

Being vigilant and attentive are very important to ensure that not only the Greyhound but also the owner enjoy the dog park experience.