Three Things To Think About Before You Own A Greyhound

Greyhounds are beautiful, sleek animals who thrive in a loving environment. They make great family pets, and once they’ve formed their pack, they’re fiercely protective. Greyhounds do, however, have certain needs that must be met for them to thrive in a new environment. Before you decide to take the plunge and start a Greyhound adoption process, here are some things you should think about.

  1. Can You Own A Greyhound If You Work Away From Home?

While it is entirely possible to own a greyhound and still work outside the home environment, you will need to take some extra steps to ensure that your dog is being cared for. This could entail that you come home during your lunch hour to care for and love your pet, or you ask someone you trust to step in and help, or even hire a dog sitter to be there during the hours that you’re not.

After all, it’s rather unfair if you plan to leave your dog alone all day and come home late to just hit the hay. Greyhounds are very companionable animals and if they are left alone too long, they will become distressed and be more likely to engage in dangerous, destructive behaviours.

  1. Why Are Retired Greyhounds Muzzled?

Greyhounds who are retired, when spotted out and about, are usually muzzled because they’re undergoing re-training. This is to help them adjust to having new dog breeds, many people, and other animals, noises, and sights around them. They’ve usually only been in a kennel and have minimal social interactions.

As it gains confidence in venturing out on the lead, remember to praise it when it reacts in a friendly manner, and discourage any lunges or growling with a firm no (and praise it when it responds immediately). Once you are certain of the responses of your Greyhound and are happy they are safe around other dog breeds, then the muzzle can be removed at your discretion and you can let them play while you enjoy Australian soccer betting sites.

  1. Can You Own Several Greyhounds?

As Greyhounds thrive in a pack, the short answer to this is: yes since there are plenty of benefits. Greyhounds do well with others of their species, and as they’re social this will also help them cope while you are away during the day since they’ll have each other to play with.  Owning two greyhounds is ideal, while with three you’ll need to pay close attention to the pack interactions, and establish which dog is the dominant leader.

Even if the dog which emerges as pack leader isn’t the favourite of yourself, personally, you will absolutely need to keep the established pack order to avoid causing confusion in your dogs. It is also entirely possible to home animals of the same sex together, though the ideal pairing is a male and female dog.

These three questions will help you to make the decision about whether you’re fully ready to take on the responsibilities of adopting a greyhound into your family, and your heart.